Monday, November 26, 2012

Noah's Best Feature

Elisabeth was recently asked, "What is Noah's best feature?" for something with his school. She told me about this, and we had to admit that his best feature is probably his INNOCENT LOOK when in reality he can be so stubborn at times. I guess that is how he takes after me, except I can't look as innocent as him. I took this picture Friday evening after we decorated our tree for the upcoming Christmas season. He looks so happy that we decorated our house. He donned his Santa hat and was hugging this puppy Angel. He loves that little puppy, so much so that he tries to kiss her and lets the dog lick his face ALL THE TIME. It seriously drives us crazy. But he does not know yet how to be gentle with Angel. I supervised the dog cuddling at this moment. Even with his stubbornness, Noah is so easy to love! He constantly wants my attention. I get frustrated when I am busy doing a chore, or caring for his sister, that he demands I stop and pay attention to him, or play a game with him, or look at videos on the iPad. Nevertheless, this boy is easy to love and gives wonderful hugs. So pinning down a "best feature" is difficult because there are so many things to love about him. He, like Christopher, is incredibly smart in spite of his lack of speech. He listens to our conversations (when he wants to) and responds to our surprise. The other day he wanted to get in the shed in the back yard. Discovering that it was locked, he went to the place where we keep our keys and got the correct key ring to try to unlock the shed. He did not figure out which key on the ring it was, but he knew it was in that set! He simply amazes me. I pray for him that he will get speech and communication very soon. Christopher is doing so well in school with his letters and sounds. I believe he will eventually talk too. I think it is just a matter of time. We must wait patiently and keep working with him. He continues to be a challenge when it comes to things like sitting in church quietly. But what kid wants to do that without a little (or a lot) of encouragement from Mom and Dad? He struggles with a limited diet because he doesn't want to try many things we present to him. So we pray for his bravery and willingness to try new foods. Christopher as really taken off on that this year and LOVES the foods in the school cafeteria. He gets high marks in lunch! That is good I suppose. He is thin, so I don't have to worry. Both Noah and Christopher love their little sister Catherine. I am so thankful for that.

So here is a question for my Facebook friends: What do you think is Noah's best feature? While you are at it, what is Christopher's best feature? If you know them I would love to hear from you.

Enough for now. We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and look forward to a wonderful Christmas this year.